The four main types of vegans are ethical vegans, environmental vegans, health vegans, and religious vegans. What began as a singular concept of vegetarianism, coined by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos around 500 BC. C., has progressed to many subsets, including veganism. In this post, I break down the 12 different types of vegans and vegetarians to help clarify things a bit.
Ethical vegans also avoid supporting companies that contribute to animal suffering, such as horseback riding, taking elephant tours or selling tickets to dolphin shows. Instead, they are looking for companies committed to animal welfare. With billions of marine and terrestrial animals slaughtered each year for human consumption, ethical vegans aim to live in a way that significantly reduces harm to sentient beings. As a result, this philosophy extends beyond diet and encompasses all aspects of life.
Environmental vegans, also known as organic vegans or sustainable vegans, seek to minimize the negative impact of their lifestyle on the environment. To do this, they avoid foods that require a lot of resources for their production, such as meat and dairy products. Environmentalist vegans also try to eat locally grown foods and avoid food waste. In addition, organic vegans can choose to live a low-impact lifestyle, for example biking or walking instead of driving.
While veganism is considered to fundamentally reduce animal suffering, environmental vegans believe that it can also help protect the planet, and I'm all for it. For dietary vegans, the main motivation to avoid animal products is related to health. These health-conscious vegans are generally considered plant-based. While ethical vegans avoid all animal products in principle, plant-based people may be more willing to compromise on some issues, such as using honey or wearing leather shoes.
They focus mainly on health and nutrition rather than animal welfare or the environment, although they usually end up becoming motivations. Raw vegans believe that eating raw foods is the best way to get all the nutrients your body needs. They also believe that cooking food destroys nutritional value and makes food more difficult to digest. These people are dietary vegans, but I thought they deserved their own category with what many would consider a strict diet.
The most common type of religious veganism is Jainism, which originated in India. Jains believe that all living beings have a soul and that we should respect all life. As such, Jains are strict vegetarians and many also choose to live a vegan lifestyle to avoid harming animals. The main reason for excluding oysters and other bivalves from the vegan diet is that they are animals; however, some Ostrovegans argue that these creatures are not sensitive and therefore do not deserve the same ethical consideration as mammals or birds.
Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat and may also include abstaining from the by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarians omit fish, poultry and meat from their diets, but allow dairy products and eggs. An ovovegetarian doesn't eat red or white meat, fish, poultry, or dairy products. However, they do consume egg-based products.
Ovo-vegetarians are also sometimes referred to as vegetarians. Ovo-vegetarians get their protein from plants, tofu, eggs and nuts. While Pollotarians are often motivated by health problems, they are not as committed to animal welfare as vegetarians and vegans. There are many types of vegans and vegetarians, each with their own motivations for choosing this type of diet.
In first place among the categories of vegetarians is what is formally known as lacto-vegetarian. These people tend to have the same restrictions as vegetarians, such as eliminating meat and eggs from their diet and relying primarily on plant-based foods for their nutrition. However, lacto-vegetarians are also allowed to consume dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and cheese. Similarly, ovo-vegetarians are very similar in their choices to vegetarians.
However, even though they don't consume meat or dairy products in their diet, they choose to eat eggs. Again, they can choose for whatever reason, but it's usually because they like to eat eggs or because they feel they need to consume them because of their nutritional value. Let's hope it's self-explanatory right now. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eliminate meat from their diets, but continue to eat dairy products and eggs.
Once again, people can choose this lifestyle for many reasons, some of the most common of which are the enjoyment of these foods, concern for proteins and even different philosophies in terms of animal welfare. There are some differences between vegans and vegetarians. This is another commonly known distinction of the vegetarian lifestyle and is generally recognized as one of the most restrictive dietary philosophies. Those who choose to follow vegan principles not only eliminate animal meat, dairy products and eggs from their diets, but they also eliminate all animal by-products.
This includes honey, gelatin, collagen, and even white sugar. Often, vegans also refrain from buying certain products if they contain any type of animal product. It's worth noting that there is also a subset of vegans, known as raw vegans. These people will only consume raw, raw plant-based foods.
In general, this way of life is believed to be a testament to the way our ancestors lived before they had access to fire for cooking. However, there is debate in the scientific and nutritional communities about whether a raw vegan diet has additional benefits to a vegan diet or another vegetarian diet. Similarly, a chicken coop is someone who eliminates red meat and pork from their diet but continues to consume poultry, such as chicken, duck, turkey, and other poultry. For some people, this is a step on their path to eliminating animal proteins, while others may be more concerned about the health effects of eating red meat.
Like the pescatarian diet, Pollotarians have slightly fewer restrictions than other types of vegetarians, so it may be an easier transition to a plant-based lifestyle. Finally, the last type of vegetarianism is what has been termed flexitarian. As the name suggests, those who follow this lifestyle are flexible with their diet and the limitations they impose on themselves when it comes to food. Unlike the rest of the vegetarian spectrum, flexitarians may not completely eliminate protein or animal products from their diet.
Instead, they often make a conscious and concerted effort to reduce the consumption of these foods while still eating them from time to time or under certain conditions. For example, a flexitarian may reduce meat consumption to just two days a week or limit himself to eating grass-fed beef or pasture-raised eggs. The flexitarian diet is great for someone who would like to make changes to their diet, but may not be ready or motivated to do a complete lifestyle review. Opting for this lifestyle gives you more time to consider the available meat-free product offerings while also learning more about the health benefits and environmental impact of changing your diet.
Are you interested in going vegan but are confused about all those different vegan diets? Most vegans tend to follow a varied vegan diet, meaning that they only abstain from non-vegan animal products and don't restrict their diet any more. A low-carb vegan diet tends to be more restrictive than a high-carb vegan diet because many plant-based foods are naturally higher in carbohydrates. Anything less than 100 to 150 grams of carbs per day is generally considered low carb. You might think that being a vegetarian will be better for your health.
Maybe you're passionate about animal rights. Or maybe you care about the environment and want to do your part to save it. Whatever the reason, you're considering trying vegetarianism, which is great, but you should definitely do your research first. Traditionally, vegetarianism can include any number of variants, such as completely eliminating animal products, including those that come from animals, such as milk and honey, or simply lacking animal meat, fish and seafood.
Next, we look at the different types of vegetarian lifestyles and how to decide which one is right for you. In addition to diet, most vegans also eliminate animal products from their daily lives. For example, they will not use leather or leather goods, nor will they use products that include ingredients of animal origin, such as gelatin.
Raw and vegan diets
have been associated with low cholesterol levels3, but there is no consensus on whether one type of vegetarian diet may be healthier than another.He adds that people are becoming increasingly aware of the planet and are choosing to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle due to the environmental impact of industrial agriculture. As long as you do it strategically, that is, your diet is full of whole foods, protein-rich plants and complex carbohydrates, as opposed to processed foods (although suitable for vegans), you should be able to get a lot of benefits, Ansari says. Maybe certain religious or ethical reasons encourage you to go completely vegan, or maybe you feel better with a piece of meat in your diet from time to time. The transition to a vegetarian diet can be totally healthy and help you achieve your health goals, as long as it's done the right way.
Do your research, trust your intuition, find delicious recipes and see how you do. Level 1 vegans are those who normally switch to a vegan diet for health benefits. Level 1 vegans may be aware of the ethical and environmental benefits of veganism, but that is not its driving or motivating factor. Level 1 vegans will predominantly avoid animal foods, but are likely to cheat on occasion with products such as honey or milk chocolate.
Level 1 vegans believe in a balanced diet, so they're likely to follow the diet around 95% of the time. Level 1 vegans may not be as strict with their vegan ethics either, so they may continue to use non-vegan products, such as non-vegan leather or makeup. Level 2 vegans are predominantly those who follow a vegan diet to stay fit and healthy, but they are also passionate about cruelty to animals. Level 2 vegans are often looking for the tastiest vegan recipes (such as our top 7 vegan and gluten-free pastries) and will do their best to cook only plant-based foods.
Level 2 vegans may be more committed to animal ethics than perhaps level 1 vegans, but they can still make a mistake buying non-vegan accessories or wearing non-vegan clothing. Therefore, level 2 vegans tend to fall into the misconception that they should be passionate about animal welfare, otherwise they won't be seen as true vegans, which can create additional pressures as they adapt to the lifestyle. Level 3 vegans are those who are quite ingrained in the lifestyle. They are more experienced than level 2 vegans and have overcome the small lifestyle adjustments needed to fully adapt to their comfortable vegan lifestyle.
Level 3 vegans are much more likely to give advice to level 1 and 2 vegans, and level 3 vegans are also much more aware of cruelty to animals and animal agriculture and therefore regularly protest animal ethics. Level 3 vegans are also incredibly aware of choosing only plant-based foods for their diets. This awareness is what allows them to confidently encourage others to make the change. It is believed that those with level 3 veganism are also much better positioned to aim for levels 4 and 5, hailed as the most difficult.
Level 4 vegans often only eat at vegan restaurants or, if that's not an available option, they'll only choose a vegan option. Level 5 vegans are those who consider themselves incredibly committed to the vegan lifestyle and are often hailed as “extreme vegans”. Level 5 vegans make a great effort to follow a vegan lifestyle free of any type of animal product or animal exploitation. This goes beyond following a vegan diet: level 5 vegans won't use accessories made with any type of animal product, they won't use animal-tested makeup, and they won't wear clothing made with animal fur, fur, or by-products.
Level 5 vegans also avoid all animal products, such as eggs, dairy products, meat, fish and seafood, and will also avoid any food product in which accidental traces of animal products may appear. They'll also avoid leather, gelatin, and some food colors. Annulling all forms of cruelty to animals is not as simple as it seems, which is why level 5 vegans are praised as the purest vegans. In short, there are many different types of vegetarians because there is no “right choice” or “right” way to become vegetarian.
The five levels of veganism give us an excellent guide to the different types of vegan lifestyles that people can follow based on their own personal choices. Some prefer to follow a raw fruit-type diet, very low in nuts and seeds, while others reduce the consumption of sugary fruits and follow a “gourmet raw” diet high in fat consisting of raw lasagna, pastries and more. Of all the different types of vegan diets, the whole-food vegan diet is the most delicious and tends to cover a large number of foods to provide you with all the nutrients you need. Now that you know the different types of vegans, let's see what a vegan diet can look like, because there is more than one way to eat a plant-based diet.
The five-level framework is so effective because it recognizes that there are different categories and types of veganism that are completely dependent on a person's lifestyle. In short, a vegetarian always (unless another dietary restriction prevents it) always eats fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and cereals, but let's take a closer look at the other foods you can afford to eat as part of certain types of food. This type of diet is not officially considered vegetarian, since it allows the consumption of animal products. Some types of Buddhists and Christians (Seventh-day Adventists) also follow a vegan lifestyle, although it is not known how strict they are in this regard.
The pescatarian diet is often considered to be a “semi-vegetarian” or “flexitarian” diet (we'll talk about this later), as it allows for some leeway in terms of the types of meat that can be consumed. This lesser-known type of vegan, the vegan inspired by religion, wants to reduce the harm caused by spiritual beliefs. . .